Reality Challenged


So, here's the deal.  I don't have many webcomic links, and those that I have may not be appropriate for all my wonderful friends.  :)  SO!  That being said, please don't click a link unless you know what you're going to, or you read the little thing underneath it...  I don't really want to get nasty emails from moms who don't know what their child is looking at, only that *I* told them to look at it.  :)

The Devil's Panties. Really, it's NOT Satanic Porn.
It's a funny webcomic by a complete genius, Jennie Breeden.


Venus Envy.  A sweet, sometimes intense, often funny
webcomic about a teen just trying to be herself.
(Note, this is rated W-14, so it may not be appropriate
for all young viewers.)


Catena..  There really aren't words to describe this.
You should be a child of the 80s (or at least been BORN in them)
to get a lot of the humor, but ALL of it is good.  :D


The OzFoxes FoxWeb
Faux Pas on The OzFoxes FoxWeb  If you are a table-top RPG fan, you will
LOVE this comic.  Each strip is accompanied by a commentary
from one of the artists, always worth checking out.



And now, for the NON-Comic links!!!  :D

The 4th Kingdom...  An awesome forum-based site that
is a wonderful place to go if you want intelligent conversation.
If not... well, you can always stay on the Hanson boards. ;)  Because all your friends
live in your computer....  Ah, yes.  MySpace.
You're not getting my MySpace name, so don't even ask.


Akemi's Anime World
One of the best anime review/database sites
out there...  This site lists the anime in alphabetical
order so you can find a particular show easier...
Or you can just browse!


Bruno Bozzetto
This amazing filmmaker's site is full of wonderful,
silly, and often heart-warming animated and live-action films.
Oh yeah, and his flash-animations are REALLY funny.  :D



And yes, because I need to plug my "real" job's site...
This is Carmichael Computers, my business.
Go, view, glean, and then give me money to build you a
new PC.  ;)




If you have a comic or website you would like to see linked here, please send me an email at

I'll be sure to add your link!  :D


Reality Challenged is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.

Indextemplate design by Ping Teo of The Jaded.
The 'Ocean Blue Indextemplate' is free-use for all Keenspacers, courtesy of the Workshop.